“What Are My Options To Sell My House Fast In Birmingham?”
Homeowners in Birmingham who want to sell their home quickly need to know what their options are…
If you own a home and you’re thinking, wondering, “how do I sell my house fast in Birmingham”, or anywhere around the Birmingham-Hoover metro area, this blog post is a quick tutorial on your available options, and how you can decide which option is right for you.
The speed of selling your home, or any home, basiclly comes down to these three main factors. You will probably know what’s YOUR best option by answering these 3 questions:
1. How long you’re willing to take to sell your house?
2. How much you’re willing to spend to sell your house?
3. How much you’re asking for your house?
Option #1: What Is Your Timeline?
The first factor is how long are you willing to take to sell your house? Most people think of selling their home the traditional way, by listing through an agent and get full retail price. If you’re not in any rush to sell, and your house is fairly new or it’s updated this might be the best option for you.
This method can take between 30 days and up to 3 months (sometimes longer, depending on the market conditions), but here are some basic tips to help you rush things up a bit without going into major renovations.
Clean clean and clean. Nothing stops people faster from buying faster than feeling grossed out. Every house get dusty and dirty, so keep it up, nothing short of gleaming perfection will impress your potential buyers. If cleaning is not a strong mussle for you, consider hiring a professional cleaning company service to help you out until you sell. Seriously, keeping everything immaculate really helps buyers feel comfortable in your space.
Let the light in. A dark looking interier is not on anyone’s wish list. Your potenial buyers may apprecite a natural light vibe around the property. Open all curtains and blinds and turn the lights on in any dark spots. If there’s not enough natural light going in a spacific room, place any warm(orange) light sources throughout to set the mood right. The more shiny your windows glasses as well as framing, the better. Mind to leave a few windows slightly open when you have an open house viewing, fresh air can make people fall in love.
Use a professional photographer. You may think it’s unnessery, it may seem cheaper to just snap a few pictures with your smartphone, but poor listing photos could make your home sit on the market for a much longer period. Professional real estate photos is not that expensive, and if you’re using a serious full-service real estate agency, they will probably include the photos as part of their services.
Having said that, many homeowners don’t want to wait that long for selling their home. There are some situations you will want to sell fast, not waiting those 90 days, not even 45 days. There is another option, and that is to bypass the agent and sell directly to a home buyer.
If you’re in a hurry and want to sell your house right away, let us know.
We would love to help! Just click here to fill out this form or call us at 205-235-8888
Option #2: How Much Do You Want To Spend?
Most people are surprised by this question because they didn’t realize they might have to spend some money to sell their house, especilly if they want to sell fast.
So you’re not super stress to sell and you’re willing to put some money into a small renovation, but you don’t want doing too much or upgrading things that don’t provide much return on your investment can be a waste of both time and money.
We have put together three upgrades to invest in that will help you selling your house fast as well as return the most for your investment.
Paint. A fresh coat of paint can easily brighten up and revive a room. Try to stick with neutral colors and add in pops of color elsewhere, such as throw pillows or artwork. Painting is a relatively low-cost upgrade that can have a big impact.Plus a fresh coat of paint will cover and dings in the wall, nail holes, etc. If you don’t mind putting an extra buck, a fresh paint also at the exterier of the house can make huge diffrance and an amazing good impression. You call also do it yourself using this great tips – DIY How to Paint like a Pro Series A to Z.
A Kitchen & Bath Facelift. You might have heard that an upgraded kitchen and bathroom are two of the best areas to focus on when upgrading your home. However, you can do some smaller upgrades that will make a big impact without costing a fortune.
New faucets, drawer pulls and resurfacing your cabinets are affordable ways to revitalize the space. You can take the same principles to give your bathroom a quick makeover. Vinyl tiles can go on the floor, right over what you currently have. Do a deep cleaning of the grout, and re-grout if needed. Another option to a complete shower renovation is to install a pre-fab cover. This is much cheaper than doing a whole shower overhaul.

Landscaping. Planting some colorful flowers out front or covering dirt with a pretty, fast spreading ground cover will give your home instant curb appeal. If needed, have trees and bushes trimmed and keep the lawn mowed nicely.
You can plant succulents or lay down pretty rocks to keep the space well maintained, but low-maintenance. Maybe throw a fresh coat of paint on the mailbox, small touches and a well-groomed yard will draw anyone in.
But not all homeowners are comfortable SPENDING all that money in order to SELL their house. If you’re a homeowner who would prefer to keep more in your pocket, you have another option: you can sell your house direct to a homebuyer like us at www.levihomebuyers.com. We buy houses as-is for cash and take care of all costs (and there are no fees or commissions).
Option #3: Selling Price
When selling your home in Bham, you will obviously want to get a great price for it. However you don’t want to price too high, and scare off potential buyers, nor do you want to price too low, losing out on thousands of dollars.
There are proven methods we would like to share to learn how to set your asking price right.
Know Your Market. Do some research, go to zillow, redfin and for sale by owner sites and find out what comparable homes – homes that got the same features like – amount of bedrooms, baths, garrage, sqft and the year they got built were sold for in your neighborhood for the past few months. Take a look at seasonal trends, list your house at a time of year when prices are typically higher, like summer time.
Another thing to do is to ask for comps report from your agent before listing it. They will gladly give it to you.
Take note of how long the properties have been listed. If a home has been on the market for a while, it is likely priced too high. Think about supply and demand, if there are many homes on the market, buyers will be at an advantage.
Be Realistic. You might have a price in your head of what you want to get for you house, but make sure this price is realistic. Buyers want to get a good deal and find a value just as much as you want to get a good price for your house. The trick is to find that sweet spot. You don’t want to price your home too high and have to make multiple cuts to the price.
These price drops will show on the MLS, and repetitive price changes can make you look desperate or indicate that something may be wrong with the house. A good rule of thumb is to allow for only one price drop if absolutely necessary.
To make sure your asking price is based in reality, it might be beneficial to have a professional appraisal done.
But not all homeowners like the “unknown” of this tradtional selling method. They don’t want to wait somtimes months in the hopes that someone will offer what they’re asking.
If you’re a homeowner and you’re wondering, “What are my options to sell my house fast in Birmingham, AL?” then it really comes down to these 3 factors that will determine whether you’re willing to list or to sell right now.